Call Us: 605-783-3642 ext. 4
Services & Products
Hamlin County Conservation District proudly provides an array of services to enhance our community's environment. Our annual tree program offers over 50 conservation-grade tree species, shrubs, and conifers. Explore a variety of fruit trees, tall trees via special orders, and take advantage of our machine planting service, perfect for windbreaks, wildlife habitats, or restoration projects. Ensure the longevity of your trees with our fabric application services. For livestock owners, our High-Density Polyethylene black pipe supports clean water delivery to pastures through above-ground water systems. Partner with Hamlin County Conservation District for a range of conservation and agricultural solutions!

Our Services
Tree Planting Services
Hand Plants
Deciduous Bare root - $3.00 each
Conifer Bare root - $3.00 each
Conifer Plugs - $3.25 each
Deciduous (25) - $65 per bundle
Conifers (25) - $65 per bundle
Cultivated Plantings
All Trees & Shrubs - $0.65 per linear foot
$400 minimum charge
Bare root - $1.85 each (from previous year plantings only)
District Hand Plants
Hand planting - $8.00, includes price of tree.
Pots are $12.00 to plant, not including tree price
Tree Fabric Application
$0.90 per linear foot
$400 minimum charge
Rotary Tilling
$100.00 per hour, includes operator/tractor/tiller rental charge per day for 1st hour; $80.00/hour thereafter + $45.00 stop charge
Tree Site Weed Control
Tree Fabric & Staples
6' x 500' per roll - $225.00
6' x 500' per foot - $0.60
6' x 300' per roll = $150.00
3' x 300' per roll - $75.00
3' x 300' per foot - $0.35
500 each in box - $110.00
Per Staple - $0.20
Rotary Mowing
$100.00 per hour for 1st hour, $80.00 thereafter + $45.00 stop charge
Tree Tubes
High deer numbers...
5' Tubes (White) - $5.00 each
5' Tubes (Peach) - $7.50 each
Oak Stakes - $2.50 each
6' Fiberglass Stakes - $7.50 each
Kit of Tube & Fiberglass Stakes - $15.00
Installation of tubes on matchine plantings - $2.50
Rental Equipment
There is a 5% discount on these services if bill is paid within 30 days.
John Deere 15' No-Till Drill**
$150 minimum charge
$14.00 per acre
Great Plains 15' Grass Drill**
$150 minimum charge
$14.00 per acre
Call the office for all drill rentals (605) 783-3642 x 4
**A $50 charge will be added to your bill if the drill is not cleaned out when returned.
45' Rite Way Land Roller (two available)
Minimum DAILY charge of $100.00
$4.00 per acre
Call Peggy Loomis for Roller Rental (605) 881-5899
Water Quality
The district handles 1" and 1 1/2" pasture pipe and most fittings for your livestock watering needs. The pipe is sold in 500' and 1000' rolls and are readily available.
Our Products
Functionality You Will Love
Conservation Grade, Fruit Trees and Tall Trees
Annually, the Hamlin County Conservation District allows thousands of trees to be purchased by landowners and residents from Hamlin County. These trees are inexpensive and are of the finest stock from nurseries in the Tri-State area. Hamlin CD has over 50 species of conservation grade trees, shrubs, and conifers to choose from. The cost of the bare root conservation stock is $65 per bundle of 25 of the same species or $3.00 each.
Fruit trees are also available. Apple, crabapple, pear and plum trees are sold for $45 each. Most are semi-dwarf trees, and are 5'-8' when delivered. Varieties of apple trees often include: Connell Red, Cortland, Fireside, Frostbite, Haralson, Honeycrisp, McIntosh, Snowsweet, State Fair, Sweet Sixteen and Zestar. Plum varieties can include: Pipestone, Superior, and Toka. The Pear tree varieties are Golden Spice, Patten, and Summercrisp.
A variety of Special Order Tall Trees are also available. Those will differ each year and are listed on the Tree Order Form.
The supplier for the fruit and larger trees has limited the available stock for 2024 planting season. If you didn't get your order in, please keep us in mind for 2025.
It is helpful if trees are ordered by Fall each year for the next spring planting! This helps to insure you get the variety you would like.
Please visit the N.D. Tree Handbook for specific descriptions.
Pasture Pipe
Providing clean water to our livestock is imperative to livestock health. The Hamlin Conservation District handle High Density Polyethylene black pipe, rated at 200 psi. The pipe is sold in rolls of 500' and 1000' in 1" diameter size and 1000' in 1 1/2" diameter. This tough material can withstand being walked on by cattle or driven over by lighter vehicles.
This pipe can also be utilized for your irrigation needs in the yard. No more hauling garden hose all over the yard. Install this pipe shallow in the ground
and connect to your spigots.
Tree Tubes
Tree tubes and stakes are available for purchase. These tubes are useful in protecting trees from animal damage; especially deer browsing. We have seen tremendous growth on the trees where the tubes have been installed. The tube produces a sauna effect; with air holes for venting so the trees don’t overheat.
We sell tubes from three feet to five feet in height; along with either wood stakes or fiberglass stakes.
Machine Planting Service
Handling your trees with the utmost care.
Our district offers a machine planting service that includes a tree planter and a tree crew of three or four people. The purpose of a machine planting is to provide farmstead or field windbreaks, wildlife habitat plantings, or restoration. Along with the planting service, the District also offers a fabric application service. The investment you made in tree planting needs to be protected. Applying the fabric helps keep out the weeds and in the moisture.
Hamlin Conservation District encourages all residents to utilize the local conservation district to start or add to their own beautification plans by purchasing stock from the District. Whether you own a city lot and want to plant a privacy hedge line, or own a few acres and wish to plant a windbreak or shelterbelt, our tree service will meet all needs. HCCD and its affiliates can also offer technical advice on tree plantings for windbreaks and shelterbelts upon request. The District can also refer landowners to agency partners for cost share options. Please check with your local office to see what is available.
Drills and Land Roller Services
Taking care of the field
The District has a John Deere 1590 15' No-Till Drill, a Great Plains 15' Drill, and three 45' Land Rollers for rent.
The JD drill is equipped with a fertililzer attchment, seed agitator and grass seeder attachment. These drills can be used for wheat, beans, alfalfa, and oats as well. These drills are not compatible with planting big, fluffy seeds such as: Big Bluestem, Little Bluestem, Side Oats Grama. However, our Great Plains Grass drill can be used for this.
Our Great Plains drill is equipped with cool and warm season grass boxes. It can be used to plant alfalfa, wheat, flax, millet, oats, rye, soybeans and sunflower in the main box. The small box can be used to plant alfalfa, assorted grassess, clover, rye, and blue-grass. The native grasses box should be used to plant any big, fluffy seed.
The land rollers apply both weight and surface contact to prepare your land. They will efficiently press rocks into the ground without rolling the crop out ahead of it; thus making combining faster and easier. This also makes is an effective tool in renovating pasture or hay land, making conditions much more ideal for mowing and driving across. The rollers will also hellp improve germination by pushing broadcasted seed into the ground to increase seed-to- soil contact.
Tree fabric helps to keep weeds down and moisture in around the trees. Fabric is sold in 6' wide rolls and now also in 3' wide rolls, used for easily landscaping your yard or garden projects.